Poppin John’s: Modern Ice Cream From a Bygone Era

Poppin John’s: Modern Ice Cream From a Bygone Era

In an era where modern conveniences dominate the culinary landscape, Poppin John’s Homemade Ice Cream stands as a delightful testament to tradition and family heritage. This family-owned company, run by two brothers with their mother’s help, brings a unique twist to ice cream making. Take a closer look at how Poppin John’s merges the nostalgic art of ice cream making with the joys of family and community at local fairs and festivals.

Churning Memories with a Hit-Miss Engine

One of the most striking aspects of Poppin John’s Homemade Ice Cream is their use of a 1926 John Deere Model E hit-miss engine to churn their ice cream. This antique engine, emblematic of an era where such machines were vital in performing tasks we now accomplish with the flip of a switch, is not just a tool but a piece of history. “We use electricity for today, so these little gasoline engines of that era did a lot of work that people were doing by hand,” explains one of the brothers, highlighting the significance of this unique method.

The hit-miss engine’s distinctive firing pattern, which operates only when necessary, sets it apart from modern engines. It’s not just a novelty; it’s a symbol of the homemade ethos that Poppin John’s proudly upholds. The rhythmic sound of the engine at work is not just a mechanical process but a reminder of the hands-on approach to food that is often lost in today’s fast-paced world.

The Art of Making Ice Cream: A Family Affair

At Poppin John’s, making ice cream is more than a business—it’s a family affair and a communal experience. The process begins inside their trailer, where the mix of milk, cream, sugar, and other ingredients is prepared before being transferred to the freezer. “Once it gets outside, we put it down in the freezer and we add ice and salt,” they detail, describing how the saltwater solution is key to freezing the ice cream.

This method is not just about making ice cream; it’s about keeping a tradition alive. “It’s a good family building kind of a thing to make homemade ice cream,” they emphasize, encouraging others to try their hand at this age-old craft. In a world where convenience often trumps quality, Poppin John’s stands as a beacon of the joy found in doing things the old-fashioned way.

A Treat Beyond Time

Poppin John’s approach to ice cream making harks back to a time when such treats were rare and valued. “Our ancestors only went to the store once a week, once a month… they did not go every other day and get ice cream sandwiches,” one of the brothers recounts, underlining how ice cream was a special treat rather than an everyday commodity.

This historical perspective adds depth to each scoop served by Poppin John’s. The ice cream is not just a dessert; it’s a slice of history, a reminder of times when treats were handmade with care and consumed with appreciation.

The Unpredictable Science of Ice Cream Making

Unlike modern methods, where machines ensure consistency, making ice cream with a hit-miss engine is an art that depends on various factors. “Sometimes it’s 20 minutes, sometimes it’s 30 minutes; weather, temperature, humidity always changes,” they explain. This unpredictability is part of the charm, making each batch of ice cream at Poppin John’s a unique creation.

Conclusion: Preserving Tradition in a Modern World

Poppin John’s Homemade Ice Cream is more than a purveyor of sweet treats; it’s a custodian of culinary tradition. In every churn of their antique engine, in every scoop of their creamy ice cream, lies a story of family, tradition, and the joy of making something with your own hands. As they continue to delight patrons at fairs and festivals, Poppin John’s not only serves ice cream but also dishes out memories and experiences, reminding us of the simple pleasures of a bygone era.

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